Fantasia 2000 in Retch-o-Vision
Country Cuisine Confidential, Part 4: Brazil
At Disney, All That Glows Does Not Explode
George Roush Lets His Hair Down at Rapunzel Event
Doing Things at Disney in the Dark
Reel, Rate, Retch: Top 10 Under-Rated Disney Films
Just yesterday, I gave hullabaloo to Brett Nachman for his Toy Story 3 audition videos, in particular, the one for Mr. Pricklepants. Brett was so thrilled by the hullabaloo (actually, I haven't heard from him and I'm pretty sure he's avoiding me) that I was inspired to dig up something even better than Mr. Pricklepants - please don't take that literally, if you're a hedgehog.
Brett writes a column called Mouse House for FusedFilm, a site not known for its extensive Disney coverage but which has a huge reach among those interested in current Hollywood news and gossip. Brett's most recent opus, a three-part series called "10 Under-Rated Disney Films of the Past Decade", concluded this past weekend.
Brett and I differ somewhat in our definitions of 'under-rated'. He uses the word in the sense that people were silly not to appreciate these Disney films; I use it in the sense that people were smart to stay away.
A few examples: Sky High, Ice Princess, Treasure Planet (one of Disney's biggest flops), and the #1 under-rated Disney film of the past decade, according to Brett Nachman - Fantasia 2000, which he calls 'exceptional', 'magnificent', and 'groundbreaking'.
The ... heck?
Like politics and religion, it's dangerous to discuss film: my bomb might be your baby. Brett takes the high road and his mini-reviews are actually quite informative though sweetly skewed.
I should mention that Brett recently wrote a glowing review on FusedFilm of that cinematic paean to self-entitlement, Eat Pray Love, and so it's highly unlikely he'll ever get hullabaloo here again.
PS. If any loyal readers are fans of Eat Pray Love, well, it had a nice score. Please stay...