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  • Long-time Disney Dispatch readers may remember that the site was born of hullabaloo. In fact, for the first few months of its life, Disney Dispatch had nothing but hullabaloo, and even the best of us can't maintain that pace forever. So here's Hullabaloo V2. It's occasional. The moment must be right. But when something memorable - or at least mentionable - does come down the Disney pike, it will get its hullabaloo here: book reviews, website discoveries, theme park happenings, Disney pop culture, and more!

  • Bob McLain keeps a low profile, mostly. If you ever saw him, you'd say "that guy doesn't look like the hullabaloo type". But in Bob the hullabaloo runs deep, and there's no predicting when it will erupt in informative analysis of some new Disney device or development. When the hullabaloo has left him, Bob relaxes in his reclining chair with a vintage bubble gum cigar.

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FROM: Hullabaloo Published Every So Often

Disney Art with a Pop Culture Zing

I probably don't have to sell you on the merits of hanging fine Disney art in your mansion. But what's "fine", exactly? Walt on black velvet standing in a sunburst halo? (If you said yes, please back away slowly.) I've got a better idea...

One of the things that never ceases to amaze me is the sheer talent of the Disney community.

I've met some astoundingly gifted folks in the course of slinging up fresh editions of DisneyDispatch. In fact, the chief thrill of DisneyDispatch is meeting such folks!

Well, I met another one last night.

Jeff Mackey of KULTStudio. Go ahead, take a look:


What you'll see there isn't just Disney art but a blend of "fine art + pop culture", as Jeff calls it. You pick your art or animation cel, select a frame (or not), and within days have something really cool to replace the picture of your in-laws that "accidentally" just fell of the wall.

For Disney aficionados, it gets even better:


Jeff tells me that he's running a special for D23. You can take 10% off any or all of the Disney artwork on his site with the coupon code "D23". Free shipping, too!

Even if you're not in the market for art right now, you won't regret spending a few minutes ogling the many, many pieces of art in the KULTStudio catalog.

My personal favorite? Snow White's Corruptible Moral State:


Ah, Snow! I always suspected...

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