About the Author
Bob McLain was born in Disney World, grew up there as a feral child, and now eludes authorities nightly as a park transient. Okay - not. Bob McLain was born in rural Pennsylvania, grew up there as a feral child, and eludes the horror of middle-age by visiting Disney World often, running a Disney site (this one, in fact), and preparing for the release of his forever forthcoming Disney dining book, MouseMeals. He also has two children and quite the collection of Disney ... stuff.
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Celebrity Disney
by Bob McLainSure, sure, everyone wants to see Mickey, or maybe Cinderella, but what about the freshly, often fleetingly famous (and sometimes the genuinely famous) who flock to the Disney Parks in search of pixie dust and photo ops? Disney makes a big deal out of these appearances - but only when the celebrities are Disney-worthy. Here on Celebrity Disney, we spotlight all the stars, especially the infamous ones, with a generous helping of the snarkiest comments on earth.
Jennifer Lopez
Jul 3 I admit to being biased, as once I had a huge crush on Jennifer Lopez, back sometime in the early 1990s, but you can count on me to lampoon any diva behavior on the part of this diva when in Disneyland with her kids. Problem is: there wasn't any.
The Rock
Jun 26 Hey, jabronies: do you smell what the Rock is cookin'? He had a special spicy treat for his millions and millions of fans at Disneyland, where he took the people's FastPass onto Splash Mountain and layeth the splasheth down on that nasty Br'er Fox.
Elin Nordegren
Jun 19 Some celebrities who visit a Disney Park create a sensation. Even Mickey doesn't get that kind of press. Others blend with the surging throngs, maybe sparking recognition among faithful fans, but otherwise passing unnoticed. And some are in-between.
Mariska Hargitay and Deborah Messing
Jun 12 As much as I take pleasure in lampooning some of the bozo 'stars' who show up at the Disney parks, often with entourage, always with attitude, I take even more pleasure in presenting pictures of celebrities who are there simply for the Disney magic.
Joe Perry and Dr. Conrad Murray
May 29 After decades with Aerosmith, Joe Perry still looks fantastic as he poses with Goofy outside the Rock 'n Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios, but the same cannot be said for the rather goofy-looking Dr. Conrad Murray as he soars high on Dumbo.
Chris Brown
May 22 With the exception of Johnny Cash, 'stars' who flip the bird in public look stupid, but to do it in Disneyland, wearing both an iconic Goofy hat and an iconic Mickey glove, is not only stupid but embarrassing. Hello, Chris Brown.
Terence J
May 15 The celebrity crisis deepens, as fewer notables than ever dropped by Disney this week. If it continues, I'll have to change this column to Celebrity Blogger Disney - those guys are always there. In the meantime, meet... Terence J.
Roberts, Hudgens, Tisdale
May 8 The stars, at least the really interesting ones, stayed home this past week, but that's not a problem, because in their stead we have a trio of beauties in evening wear strutting down Disneyland's black carpet to pose with devilish Pirate Mickey.
Brady and Matsui
May 1 After last week's bumper crop of Disney celebrity sightings, which included ancient Hugh Hefner puttering after two blondes in a scooter, this week we have to settle for two sports figures, one who does speak English, the other who does not.
Gaga, Beyonce, Hefner, and More
APR 24 We hit Disney celebrity paydirt this week with Beyonce looking fine in a Goofy hat, Lady Gaga making the Evil Queen look like a Girl Scout, and stoic Hugh Hefner in a scooter trying to keep up with two blondes in another scooter.