Mouse of Zen Monday

About the Column

A haiku is a highly structured poetic snippet consisting of three short phrases that together should trigger an image in your mind. You won't find haikus at Disney. You will find haikus about Disney every Monday on the Disney Dispatch written by JB Conway, author of the well-regarded book, Mouse of Zen, which of course is full of Disney haikus. What better way to step into your Disney week!

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FROM: Mouse of Zen Monday Published Mondays

Tears of Mickey [Mickey May #2]

Last week, we did 'Wisps of Mickey', a haiku about the mist rising from the street art sometimes created by Disney custodians. From wisp to tear: only it's not Mickey crying, it's the kids who have come to see Mickey but experience meltdown on the way.

The haiku theme for this month is Mickey May. Each week, JB Conway will evoke the Mouse in haiku. Maybe classic Mickey, maybe Sorceror Mickey, maybe Mickey in a manner unimagined.

Are you ready, kids?

In the happiest place on earth, can there be tears?

You bet. Lots of them, too.

For as magical as Disney World is to little kids, it's also hot, loud, and long.

Even the most agreeable kids sometimes lose it.

JB imagines those tears falling in Mickey shapes, and he knows just what it takes to wipe them away.

If you haven't bought JB's book, Mouse of Zen, and yet you come here each week to read his haikus, why do you torture yourself? Are you a masochist? (Or maybe a mouseochist?) Don't you know you can get all the haikus at once? In the book!


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