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  • My mother used to say that if I got a tattoo, I'd go blind. (Or was it... never mind.) The world has changed. It seems that for every person who gives up smoking, another gets a tattoo. Among the elite, those tattoos are of Disney symbols, attractions, and characters. Why just wear a dumb pair of ears when you can have amazingly intricate art inked into your flesh? You'll meet, every week, someone who has done just that, and who wants both the World and the world to know about it.

  • Bob McLain made his first visit to Disney World during the Nixon Administration. He took his son there for the first time during the Clinton years, and his daughter during the Bush (as in W) years. When not making connections between presidents and trips to Disney World, Bob writes about Disney, writes about zombies (the fast ones!), and writes helpful little guides about how to do technical things. He has no tattoos. For his first Disney tattoo, he has his eye on a full-length Evil Queen.

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FROM: Disney Ink Published Saturdays

Pirate Auctioneer and Redhead Tattoos

Just when you think you've seen every Disney tattoo there is to be seen (another Tigger? joy...), you run into ink you've never imagined, ink that features a famous scene from Pirates of the Caribbean - the ravishing redhead!

Last week, I featured a sweet pair of tattoos: kissing Mickey and Minnie.

What set these tattoos apart were that two people shared them: one person had Mickey on his shoulder, the other Minnie on hers. Given the right position on the part of the people, the tattoos would face one another and appear to be kissing.

Sweet, eh?

Welcome to another pair of shared tattoos. This time, however, there's no kissing. But there is a whip.

Lori Burke and her husband sport 'matching' tattoos.

His is the devilish auctioneer from the market scene in Pirates of the Caribbean. The auctioneer is holding his whip high and pointing to something not seen.

Not seen, at least, until Lori enters the picture with her tattoo: the redhead!

Yes, we wants the redhead.

You got your wish.


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