Newest Disney Princess Debuts: Princess Ke$ha

Rapper stars in short MTV film to parody Disney

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MTV asks:

"Ever wonder what it would be like if Disney gave Ke$ha her very own movie?"

Actually, no, I haven't wondered about that, and until this very moment, I had no idea there was someone in the world named Ke$ha (who, if she ever declares bankruptcy, will have to change her name to Ke¢ha).

I'm here all night, folks.

Rap star Ke$ha filmed a short video for Funny or Die entitled Walt Disney's Princess Ke$ha. The description promises a run-in with a cross-dressing hobo fairy godmother.

Okay - that's worth a click.

The video is 2:32 minutes long. It starts out beautifully with an animated blue butterfly coasting into sleepy Princess Ke$ha's tower bedroom. And I'll admit it: Ke$ha does look (and sound) exactly like a Disney princess as she hums a lovely lullaby!

Then, at 0:54, we get our first F-bomb and the fun starts.

The lullaby turns into a song, with rappin' Ke$ha backed-up by her critter crew.

There's more profanity and one really disgusting bit that lasts only a second but which you don't want to watch while you're eating. Well, maybe two disgusting bits, if you don't like animated decapitations.

Whether you'll enjoy this video depends entirely on what you find funny...

Don't stop there! More Tidings Await...

Stuff Not to Skip

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