Lisa, Peel Me a Grape

Who thinks marketing healthy foods to kids is a good idea? Everyone except Lisa Wade, a blathery blogger who is unhappy that Disney is distributing 'Disney Princess Grapes' in grocery stores where kids might be exposed to such... nutrition!

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Lots of folks like to rag on Disney. Sometimes Disney deserves it. Other times, not.

Lisa Wade has a Ph.D. from Occidental College. In what, I'm not sure. Today, she took time to write an article questioning Disney's decision to market 'Princess Grapes'.

Grapes as in real grapes, pop 'em in your mouth, enjoy the health boost grapes.

Is it my imagination, or have there been many, many dogpiles on Disney over 'unhealthy' food. Disney has made great strides in offering young guests food choices - both healthy and unhealthy - and then leaving the actual choice to parents. Many kids ask for the healthier choice because Disney is smart enough to brand and package otherwise unappealing (to kids, anyway) food in ways that kids like.

Most kids like grapes. But they like chocolate more. Might a young girl choose Disney Princess grapes over a chocolate bar because of the princesses?

Gee! That's a good thing, isn't it?

Lisa Wade misses the point when she writes: "Disney is marking [sic] a (genetically-modified) natural product in its natural state." She meant 'marketing', not 'marking'.

Frankly, I'm not sure what she's yapping about, and she loses me (and much of her audience, judging from the comments) when she suggests that next we'll see 'Republican Party chicken breasts'.

The point is for kids to eat better food. Lisa, you need better material.

PS. I don't mean to pick on Lisa. Other 'parrot' bloggers have picked up the story. Here's what Colin of MuffinLabs (who has never seen Disney-branded produce before even though it's been around for years) has to say: "Seriously WTF".

Thank you, Internet, for giving voice to the people.

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