Lee Beatens Wants Your Email

And he might even pay you for it

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Every so often it's nice to have a plain ol' Tiding: nothing fancy, nothing snarky.

Here's one now!

Lee Beatens runs Disleelandia, a 'virtual archive' of Disneyana, as he puts it. Lee updates his site often with clever, well-written posts, such as his recent mini-series about the Lenox line of china figurines.

But today it's not about the Lenox.

It's about Lee's February Blahs Giveaway. To beat(ens) the blahs of one reader, drawn at random on March 1, Lee will provide a $20 gift certification for CSN Stores.

How to enter? Send Lee e-mail. That's it!

You must send the email to a specific address - but I won't tell you what it is here because that sort of defeats the whole purpose of visiting Lee's site to enter the contest.

It doesn't matter what you put in the e-mail as long as you send it. Want to send Lee poetry? Go ahead. Horse racing tips? Sure. Proposals of marriage? Maybe not...

Get details at ... Disleelandia!

Don't stop there! More Tidings Await...

Stuff Not to Skip

  • Disleelandia
  • February Blahs Giveaway Instructions
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