Wally in a tight spot

About the Column

Wally, a distant relative of popular Disney blogger Bruce G, was detained abroad when the scoundrels shuttered the Adventurers Club on Pleasure Island. Returning several years later, Wally found his old friends scattered and his old haunts refurbished. Ever the intrepid soul, Wally chose to stay, having nowhere else to go. In characteristic high spirits, Wally retrieved his trusty brown fedora from a locker at the Orlando bus station and commenced his wanderings through Disney World. He graciously takes time (as if we could stop him) to regale us weekly with the sights and sounds of his unique adventures.

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FROM: Wandering the World with Wally Published Mondays

Wally at City Hall with Mayor Weaver

Is the nightmare finally over? Has Wally finally tracked down, with the dubious help of Main Street Mayor Weaver, his stalker, who turns out to be not a beast or even a brute but a lady in a pink Tinker Bell shirt? Apperances can deceive...

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My dear friend, I am heading to City Hall in the Magic Kingdom. Mayor Weaver called to tell me that someone there was asking for Wally from the Adventurers Club.

Mayor Weaver told me that he sent one of his aides to "fetch a soda for the young woman", and then he placed the call to me immediately.

Wally's Two Kind of Crazy

So, here we are racing by ferry boat to the Town Square office of the Mayor.

Might this be another wild goose chase? I have no idea. But I hope it will bring the end of the craziness that has dogged me these past couple of months.

Not that I mind craziness...

I was once a set-up man for the clown brigade at Ringling Brothers. That was always chaos, with noise and people and wild things happening night after night; but I'll tell you this, it was a great deal of fun.

The craziness happening to me lately hasn't been that much fun. I don't like when people are watching me - from the shadows, so to speak.

Wally March(es) with Mayor Weaver

Ah, here we are. Show your bag to security over there, and I'll meet you on the other side of the turnstiles. Let's step lively before the young lady finishes her soda and evades Mayor Weaver's care.

Why don't you wait for me outside City Hall? I'll call if I need help. Thank you, my friend! I do appreciate you standing guard for me. And here's the Mayor now...

"Mayor Weaver, very good to see you again."

"And you, Wally. (I appreciate all the votes.) She's still inside."

May I peek through the window to see whether I recognize her?"

"Certainly, and for no charge."

"Thank you, sir!"

The Mayor led me to the window, accepting an envelope from stranger along the way. "She's the one with the medium-length red hair. Wearing a pink Tinker Bell shirt. Yes, the ones that says 'Perfection from Head to Toe'. Carrying a big camera and a Disney autograph book. Do you recognize her?"

I shook my head.

"Me, neither. She doesn't look much like a stalker, does she? A voter, perhaps!"

"I'm going inside, Mr Mayor. It's time to get to bottom of this nonsense."

Wally Corners His 'Stalker'

Here you are, my friend! Thank you for waiting. I hope I wasn't too long. Fifteen minutes? I'm sorry. You won't believe what has happened...

The young lady is a private eye; actually, she is the Disney P.I., Debra Peterson. She was also a patron of the Adventurers Club, and rather surprised when it shuttered.

She has questions.

I asked her to meet me at the Tambu Lounge in the Polynesian, where I would buy her a drink and answers her questions, if I'm able.

So, my friend, I am headed over there now to see what she has to say. Would you like to come along? No, I wouldn't mind you staying here and enjoying your day. Let me say goodbye, and thank you to the Mayor (hmmm? envelope? a campaign contribution, nothing more!), and then I will be on my way.

Until next time, KUNGALOOSH! And keep your eyes open for Adventure!


Stuff Not to Skip
