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The real action in Vinylmation these days is creating your own. Disney sells blank Vinylmations for you to craft into virtually anyone or anything. Thousands of these custom creations exist. Some are, well, it's best not to say what they are, but many are outstanding: often as good as what you can buy from Disney. We're rounding up the best custom Vinylmations and presenting them here, three times each week, with a word or two of commentary from their designers.
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FROM: Vinylmation My Way Published Saturdays and Sundays
Tayner gives Oswald back his mojo (plus video!)
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit really hasn't been so lucky.
click an image to expand:
Oswald: Front
Oswald: Right Side
Oswald: Back
Mention Mickey and see what happens. But now Oswald is the subject of his very own custom Vinylmation, courtesy of Tayner, who has also produced a seriously cool stop-motion video that answers the oft-asked question: what do your Vinylmations do when you're not around?
Here's Tayner on why and how he designed his Oswald custom:
I started collecting Vinylmation in May or June 2010. A couple months later, I saw some great customs that other people had created. I'm pretty good at art, and so I decided to create my own.
For my first subject, I chose: myself!
I Sharpied a yellow Create-Your-Own vinyl in my likeness. It looked okay, but then I painted it, and it looked much better.
From there, I decided to paint a character that no one had done before. Oswald!
I love Oswald, and I think he hasn't gotten the recognition that he deserves.
To create him, I used acrylic paint and paint brushes from Michael's hobby store. My process is to imagine the custom, sketch it on paper, lightly sketch on the vinyl, paint the vinyl (coat by coat), and then spray with matte.
I think my custom Oswald turned out great!
In addition to creating custom vinyls, I love making stop-motion videos!
Shortly after I started collecting vinyls, I began featuring them in my stop-motion videos.
Here's an example:
Stuff Not to Skip
- Video: What Vinylmations Do When You're Not There
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxg35DdZ9tU - Disney's Vinylmation