About the Column

For years, Jeff Heimbuch has been writing about Disney. Many of his articles have appeared in Celebrations Magazine. But Jeff has always had a little '626' inside him anxious to come out. Unlike his column's namesake, Stitch, he might not paint the Castle blue, but he will paint the park red with entertaining stories, fascinating insights, and daring ... experiments.

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The 626

Jeff Heimbuch escapes the containment field and launches The 626

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Jeff Heimbuch returns to active duty as a Disney correspondent with the debut of his new column, The 626 (which joins his other new column here on the Disney Dispatch, From the Mouth of the Mouse, which debuted on Wednesday).

Whereas in the 'Mouth' he lets Disney Cast Members do the talking, in The 626 he'll do his own talking. Jeff's years of service writing for other Disney sites and for publications like Celebrations Magazine have given him a good 'nose' for interesting stories, and I'm thrilled that he chose the Disney Dispatch as his new outlet for sharing them.

In the first installment of The 626, Jeff talks a bit about himself and where his column will take us.

After that, well, my job is simply to let him loose.

We all have to begin somewhere.

Walt and Roy officially began in their Uncle Robert's garage in 1923. Mickey Mouse is rumored to have begun on a train ride back to California. Disneyland began as a simple thought in Walt's mind as he watched his daughters play in a park.

All of these humble beginnings blossomed into huge ideas that have grown into things we all know and love today.

For me, it began as a four year old, way back in 1988, visiting Walt Disney World for the very first time with my Mom and Nana. Though my memory of the trip is a little hazy (despite the assistance of an old VHS tape of that vacation which I found about a year ago!), there are a lot of moments I remember from that first visit that I will cherish for the rest of my life. That trip cemented a love of Disney in me that has never left - and I guarantee never will.

It is this love that constantly surrounds my life in many different ways. I tend to take the 'Disney approach' in both my social and professional lives. At work, our employee training program is similar to the one used at Disney, resulting in employees who treat people in the 'Disney way'. I look forward to my next trip to Walt Disney World, sometimes obsessively, for the months leading up to it. And then I talk about it for months after it is over, until the cycle begins again.

My love for Disney eventually led me to write about it. You may recognize my name from other Disney magazines and blogs that I've written for in the past. I'm happy to have found a new, weekly home here at Disney Dispatch.

For those of you who may remember, hello!, welcome back, and thanks for reading. For those of you who don't, welcome. My name is Jeff, and I'll be your host, skipper, and depending on whether you laugh at my jokes, swimming instructor for as long as you (and Bob, the fantastic webmaster!) will let me.

I hope to accomplish a few things with The 626. First, I'd like to explore some Disney topics that have always fascinated me but which I've never had the initiative to explore. Having spoken to many folks involved at Disney, and to other Disney bloggers, there are always interesting tidbits that warrant further exploration, and this column will present my findings to you.

I plan to explore all aspects of Disney: from the theme parks to the company overall. One week I may take an in-depth look at an attraction, and the next I may sing the praises of that delicious Adventureland treat, Dole Whip. Bob has generously given me free reign with topics and hopefully what interests me will also be of interest to you.

Finally, I'd like to generate some discussion from you folks. Please feel free to comment, email, or tweet me any thoughts and suggestions. Hearing from you guys is part of what makes all this fun and worthwhile. I love Disney, and I love hearing how much you do, too! Heck, feel free to tell me what you'd like me to explore next!

I know what you're thinking ... ANOTHER Disney column? Do we really need another one? Does this guy really have anything worth saying that hasn't been said before?

I'd like to think so. And hopefully, in the coming weeks, you'll agree with me.

So, much like the wide-eyed four year old seeing Cinderella Castle for the first time, this marks a new and very exciting beginning for me. And I'm very glad you can be a part of it.

Don't stop there! Check out more The 626...

Stuff Not to Skip

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