Daily DIZcovery
Daily DIZcovery

About the Column

Back in the old days, it was actually possible to visit every site on the Internet about Disney. Nowadays, it's not even possible to count all the sites on the Internet about Disney. I visit quite a few of them compiling the Hullabaloo, and often I find gems - digitally buried treasure - maintained by folks who love Disney so much it doesn't matter that the traffic to their sites may be a trickle. In Daily DIZcovery, I'll pick a different dynamite Disney site every day, typically one you've never heard about, and hopefully turn their trickle into a torrent.

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Think Disney

This blog tells you what to think!

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What have we all in common? We think Disney.

I'm thinking Disney right now. (I'm typing it, too.) I also think Disney when I'm driving, when I'm walking, when I'm standing in line at the grocery store, and whenever I'm not thinking about myself.

Andy (last name not supplied) thinks Disney, too.

He thinks it so much, in fact, that his modest little blog is called... Think Disney!

What drew me to Think Disney was Andy's feature about the Florida Orange Bird returning to Disney World. I don't keep it a secret that I despise the Orange Bird over an incident that occurred in 1973 at the Magic Kingdom. And now the bird is back. Says Andy.

Getting past the Orange Bird, I found other picture-laden posts, with the pictures uniformly vibrant and beautiful, mostly about current Disney events.

Think Disney is a new blog. Andy hasn't written more than a couple dozen posts.

But it's a blog to watch. I know I'll be watching it - and I'll be keeping an eye on that damn Florida Orange Bird, too.

Come back tomorrow for another Daily DIZcovery!

Stuff Not to Skip

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