Daily DIZcovery
Daily DIZcovery

About the Column

Back in the old days, it was actually possible to visit every site on the Internet about Disney. Nowadays, it's not even possible to count all the sites on the Internet about Disney. I visit quite a few of them compiling the Hullabaloo, and often I find gems - digitally buried treasure - maintained by folks who love Disney so much it doesn't matter that the traffic to their sites may be a trickle. In Daily DIZcovery, I'll pick a different dynamite Disney site every day, typically one you've never heard about, and hopefully turn their trickle into a torrent.

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A new magazine 'by Disney fans, for Disney fans'

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In 1983, right out of high school, I published my first print magazine. It was called Gaming Universal, and it dealt with play-by-mail games - which later morphed into online multi-player games such as World of Warcraft, Runescape, and others.

But back then, to publish a print magazine, you went to a printer and paid lots of money up-front for boxes and boxes of magazines that you stored in your garage.

Nowadays, print-on-demand technology makes it relatively easy to publish your own magazine and print copies only when they're sold. But it's still hard, very hard, to assemble, polish, edit, and otherwise make presentable the stuff between the covers.

Adam Goodger is giving it a shot with Mousemag, a new Disney magazine.

The first quarterly issue was released in December. You can get it as a free PDF download or pay $7.20 for a print copy.

What's inside? A mixed bag of Disney articles, mostly travel tips, dining tips, a touring plan, and other general interest fare. The 'hook' is that the articles are written not by professionals but by 'Disney fans for Disney fans', which makes it sort of like a blog.

Goodger has upon his shoulders the task of making material from diverse contributors compelling enough to warrant publication in a magazine. So far, he's off to a good start.

It'll be interesting to see whether this magazine - this idea - will catch on.

Come back tomorrow for another Daily DIZcovery!

Stuff Not to Skip

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