Daily DIZcovery
Daily DIZcovery

About the Column

Back in the old days, it was actually possible to visit every site on the Internet about Disney. Nowadays, it's not even possible to count all the sites on the Internet about Disney. I visit quite a few of them compiling the Hullabaloo, and often I find gems - digitally buried treasure - maintained by folks who love Disney so much it doesn't matter that the traffic to their sites may be a trickle. In Daily DIZcovery, I'll pick a different dynamite Disney site every day, typically one you've never heard about, and hopefully turn their trickle into a torrent.

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Disneyland Scoop

Travel agent serves fresh scoops of park news

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Kevin Johnston wants to give it to you.

The scoop, that is. The Disneyland Scoop.

Kevin owns Wish Upon a Star Travel, putting him in competition with other Disney travel agents, and so one day Kevin apparently said to himself: how can I set myself apart?

The answer came in a flash. Why not give 'em the scoop!

Kevin put his plan into practice with a new blog called the Disneyland Scoop where he provides everything a prospective visitor to Disneyland would need to know.

The blog has a simple, clean design and lives up to the promise of its title with current information about park hours, ride closures, and articles about park features and services.

I'm sure Kevin wouldn't mind if you booked your next Disney vacation with his travel agency, either.

That's the real point of Disneyland Scoop, and it's a very smart way to do business.

Come back tomorrow for another Daily DIZcovery!

Stuff Not to Skip

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